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Showing posts from January, 2019
"What About Your Friends & Gratefulness" On Jan. 25th I'll be 37 years old.  For some reason our culture encourages a person to deny their age or at least cling to the idea of being forever 21.  The irony is that you have the option to either get old or die.  I have been thankful for every birthday but this time around I am more grateful than I have ever been to have the chance to be here.  Lately I've had the feeling that time is standing still and I look around and I am grateful for the small things.  I'm challenging myself to be more aware and to be fully present.  I am thankful to breathe in fresh air whenever I go for a walk, I am thankful for the random hugs from my son,  I am thankful for time spent with my mother, I am thankful for the extra care and dedication shown to me by my boyfriend, and I'm thankful to my friends and family for always showing up and reminding me that I am never alone. I can remember the vision I had for...