Facing My Fear of Hair loss.... A few days ago, I woke early in the morning to use the restroom and as I gently grazed my hair, it began to come out from the root. I knew that this moment would come but it is a total shock to the system. I wept uncontrollably, unable to catch my breath at times. I had just hoped that I could be that one in a million who didn't lose their hair to cancer. My hair has been my crown for so long that I morned the loss of my identity as I had known it. I wanted nothing more than to just accept it, but it was hard. I know that at the end of the day, this is just a part of the journey, and I gave myself permission to be sad and afraid if that's how I felt. I am not a fan of suppressing my true feelings. I believe that you have the right to "feel" and process your way through it. Nonetheless, after the tears, I made the call to my mom and my cousins. I simply said, "Tonight I have to let it go!". By the ti...
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